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You must have the appropriate prerequisites completed in order to be enrolled in a workshop. Please check before registering for a workshop.


Workshops are filled on a first come/first served basis. You are considered registered for a workshop when DJS has received full payment of tuition.


We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, cash, DJS Gift Certificates and personal checks. Any personal check that is returned will incur a service charge of $35.00. Returned checks will not be processed twice.


Credit card payments are accepted through our web site, or may be made over the phone by calling  303-997-9846 during our normal business hours: M-T, and Th-F 9am–5 pm MT. 


Once enrolled, you will receive a confirmation via email—if you have not received a confirmation email, please contact us.


If your PayPal account information is out of date, contact us with your current email address. We also need a current phone number to complete your account.


Prices are subject to change without notice.




Unforeseen circumstances may prevent you from attending a workshop. We understand and will make every effort to work with you, please contact us with any questions. These policies apply to our standard workshops. For Master Series Workshops, please see our Master Series cancellation policies.


Cancellations must be e-mailed to: Once we have reviewed your request, we will reply to your e-mail as proof of receipt and will work with you to refund or transfer your tuition per these policies.



For cancellations 14 days or more prior to the start of the workshop, your options are either to receive a refund or to transfer your registration to another class, with applicable fees.


REFUNDS: If you cancel your registration 14 or more days prior to the start date of your class, DJS will refund your tuition minus a $45 administration fee. Refunds will be made in the form of the original payment.


TRANSFERS: For transfer requests 14 or more days prior to workshop start date, you may choose to transfer an existing tuition payment to another workshop. You may transfer one tuition for another workshop free of charge just once. Tuition transfers are valid for up to six months from the cancellation date. Please be aware that if you do not enroll in another workshop within six months you will forfeit your tuition.



If you cancel your registration 13 or fewer days before the workshop start date, or fail to attend a workshop session, we cannot issue a refund. There are no exceptions to this policy. You may transfer your enrollment to another session, with an applicable transfer fee (below). Transfer requests are to be made prior to the start of the workshop.


For transfer requests 13 or fewer days prior to workshop start date, the following
non-refundable fees apply:


    • 3–6 hour workshop: $25 transfer fee


    • 8–24 hour workshop: $50 transfer fee


    • Metalsmithing 1 and 2: $100 transfer fee


Transfer fees allow you to keep your Retake option should you choose to repeat a particular workshop. 


If you arrange for a transfer and cannot make the new transfer date, you will forfeit your tuition. 


DJS will transfer you for free if the scheduled workshop is cancelled by us.


One transfer per workshop is allowed. There are no refunds after transfers.    







  • There are no refunds or credits for Master Series Workshops unless the workshop is cancelled by DJS or the instructor.

  • By enrolling in a Master Series workshop, you affirm your acceptance of our no refunds policy and represent to us that you possess the appropriate skills to comply with the prerequisites.  

  • Check your calendar carefully and choose wisely before enrolling. 


Our Master Series instructors organize their workshops one to two years in advance, so last minute cancellations are a loss of revenue for them. We also commit to travel expenses and dates with these Masters to assure that we can continue to bring quality instructors to DJS.






If you are enrolled in a workshop that has already started and you are going to be late, call or e-mail the studio before your workshop begins. Notifying us in advance allows the instructor to work around crucial information until you arrive. Emergencies resulting in a missed workshop may require you to transfer to another date. Non-emergency absences may result in forfeiture of tuition and loss of the opportunity to Retake that workshop.  Workshop start times are listed on our website. Our doors open 15 minutes prior to the start of the workshop, please arrive early to sign-in and set up your workspace. 


Due to the complex technical processes taught, if you miss one hour or less the instructor will help you catch up (time permitting). If you miss more than an hour there may be too much information missed so that you may need to enroll in a future workshop (space permitting), pay the applicable transfer fee, and start the workshop over. It is up to you to arrange new workshop registration. DJS is under no obligation to guarantee a space in a future workshop as it is strictly space permitting. You are required to get all transfers scheduled within one calendar year. 


DJS instructors make the decision regarding making up lost workshop time. If time restraints do not allow for making up missed instruction, we recommend you pay a transfer fee and move into a different session. This allows you to use your tuition as wisely as possible and doesn’t delay a workshop already in progress. We ask that you be respectful of your instructor’s time as well as the other attendees. 


Refunds are not given after transfers or any missed time as stated above.





Denver Jewelry Studio gives you the opportunity to repeat, for free, Metalsmithing 1 and Metalsmithing 2. These Retakes must be completed within 18 months of finishing your original workshop. 


Once you have successfully completed Metals 1 or Metals 2 at DJS, you can get on the Retake list for the next session of your choice, space permitting. New enrollments take priority and and we take enrollments up to 48 hours before the workshop begins.


If a workshop has space available, we will begin contacting those on the Retake list, in the order they joined the list, and will fill seats accordingly. This usually happens the day before while we are prepping for the workshop. You will need to have your supplies, pay the studio fee, and show up for the entire workshop.


Specialty Workshops may be taken again for Half Tuition plus the Studio Fee. We will seat Retakes as soon as the minimum attendance has been met. 


There are no Retakes for Master Series workshops.


If a workshop fills, or is cancelled due to weather or instructor emergencies, we will e-mail everyone enrolled in the workshop with detailed information regarding next steps. 





If you are interested in a workshop but have not had the chance to check your calendar (or the prerequisites), please call or e-mail us and we will add you to the interested list while you work out the details. Be aware that this does not guarantee your seat, but we will contact you if the session begins to fill. We usually confirm with everyone on the list about a week before the start date to see if their calendar will allow attendance. There are no fees for being placed on the interested list. 








(303) 997-9846


8392 South Continental Divide Rd, #104

Littleton, Colorado 80127

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©2025 Denver Jewelry Studio

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