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Prerequisite: Metalsmithing 1

Want to capture a mountain scene, landscape or a cityscape? In this workshop you will fabricate a ring from sterling silver that does just that.
We will talk about creating this ring with multiple metals i.e. silver and/or gold. Students are welcomed to bring gold to create their ring in 2 metal colors.

Got scrap? All your clean scrap metal lying around can become useful material again. In this workshop students will learn how to pour ingots and how to roll out flat sheet with a rolling mill! Students will have the option to make a Mountain ring with the metal they roll out or sheet metal they bring.

With only about one ounce of clean scrap metal, you will be able to make some rings. This class should hone your knowledge of metalsmithing techniques. 


A $25 Materials Kit Fee (paid to the instructor) will include:
● sanding stick
● handouts
● copper sheet
● flex-shaft clean up tools
● consumables
● other necessary items


Materials students should bring:
● hard solder sterling silver [I like wire (Rio101704) about 3 inches]
● medium solder sterling silver [I like wire (Rio101703) about 3 inches]
● scrap sterling silver or fine (casting grain works as well) for making ingots (1 ozt)
○ we will be rolling out sheet if you don't want to make an ingot please bring
■ sterling silver sheet 16 gauge 10mm x 3 inch (minimum)
■ sterling silver sheet 20 or 22 gauge 8mm x 3 inch (minimum)
● **Option: Yellow gold (you pick 14k or 18k) sheet 20 or 22 or 24 gauge 6mm x 3 inch
and gold hard solder - INSTEAD OF the 20 OR 22 GAUGE STERLING SILVER SHEET


Bring your Metalsmithing toolbox, including the following items:
● soldering supplies
○ soldering tweezers
○ solder pick
● jewelry metal files
○ big -course (I like #00 flat)
○ big -medium (I like #2 flat)
○ needle file- fine (I like #6 1/2 round) other shapes are good to have
● jewelry saw and blades (I like 2/0)
● flat - 1⁄2 round nose pliers
● safety glass
● caliper
● ruler
● scribe
● Sharpie- fine point
● sanding sticks -variety of grits [will make 1 in class]
● any jewelry tools you currently have in your toolbox (optional)


Mountain Ring: Sun Feb. 23, 2024

SKU: 027806
  • Chapin Dimond

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